Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Criminals Charge Justice

Odd it seems that criminals do not go to war against Justice. Most people attack their immediate enemies, but criminals attack a third party. Reason this with me gang, why is it that when the law punishes a criminal the recalcitrant criminal commits crimes against citizens and not against Justice? It is Justice that punishes the crime, it is Justice that enforces laws, so why does a criminal not rush out to destroy Justice?

In third world countries the Justice system does not work because the criminals will, without hesitation, attack the judges and the police. It is in third world countries where you can get away with crimes, by bribing or adding fear of death by other than natural causes, for judges and cops alike. But in the more, shall we say, civilized countries the criminals abstain from making direct attacks upon the structures that have the most to gain from their capture and confinement. In civilized countries there is even a stigma about killing police officers and judges. If you murder an officer in one of the very civilized countries it is as if calling a thousand curses upon yourself, the entire police brigade, accompanied by every investigative body in existence will unleash their wolf instincts upon such offence. A cop killer gets a unique ranking because he is considered beyond the grasp of law, and therefor a must seek and destroy type of opponent. You can not allow a cop killer to be lose on the streets of our cities, because that monstrosity has such disregard for institutions, harboring no hesitation to spill blood on the uniform of Justice.

But when an officer of the law dies, is it not more his job to die than the rest of the citizenry? I dare say that the danger of the job, is one of its great appeals, the thrill of catching a murderer of getting to shoot some rounds off, and then the chase, the fact that you can run red lights without being stopped, that you can inflict fear, that you get to wear a weapon, that you get to play cat and mouse games for your entire career, that the system is on your side, that you have the badge edge over the criminal because you don’t have to hide your cynicism. And what about the judge, that creature that sits on that platform, with that hammer in hand, dishing out interpretations of laws, dishing out sentences, spanking all of us, innocent and guilty alike, what about the judge, a moral judge in a secular society, a judge that knows the difference between good and evil and that understand the separation of church and state. Judge, narrowest interpreter of the law, why is he so infrequently vandalized?

I shall make a few remarks here so that the fanatics out there do not label me a menace to society, this is sort of an exclusionary label, I am about to tell you why I can speak with such reckless freedom and sanctimonious impunity. Because no one ever questions the law, because the criminal does not question the law, because the legislature has by practice and reason created more and more laws everyday, most regulations grow up to be laws, and so this allows for the law to suffer a high degree of impunity. There is no lobbying body that has it as it interest to abolish laws that have been erected. There is no clamoring lobby for the abolishment of laws that no longer have any relevance. Every law ought to have an expiration date attached to it. Make it so that all laws ha to be voluntarily renewed, so that someone has to say yes we want this law, as established by our ancestors to continue to ruin, I mean to govern our lives, to secure us from our enemies, to save us from our crimes. But I am here to tell you that there is no such body, that instead of aging laws, of understanding that they may have a historical handicap for our present, instead of making them mortal we make them immortal, and that means that our posterity has to suffer our mediocrity, has to be governed and slowed by our fears, that is the fantastic and terrible, that we feel laws and constitutions are forever. The only lobby that truly questions laws, is criminal! And what I am telling you is that criminals today are doing a lousy job of policing Justice.

A criminal, just in case you did not know it, is someone that breaks the law. At one point or another in your life you have been a criminal. There are so many laws now, and there are so many watchful eyes, that in the most advanced nations, it is almost impossible to not have a brush with the law. At some point in our lives we are punished, fined, and lots of us will get a chance to spend at least a night in the slammer. Many of us will get a chance of spending a night in jail without being guilty of anything, but that is the price we pay for allowing Justice to grow and grow without fundamentally implied limitations. In a world dominated by lawyers, laws create jobs, laws create regulatory jobs, laws create jobs for lawyers, laws create a need for more lawyers, and more cops, and more jails, and more types of spankings. See what I am saying here, what I am telling you is that laws, fences, create a corralling environment in which everything that you do has to be pre-approved, monitored, post-punished and treated, by someone somewhere.

And the reason that this has been the case its because you have failed to police your Justice, it is considered a deplorable contradiction to think of Justice as capable of crime, and yet the most restraining aspect of a humanity, is Justice. Justice itself is the single largest producer of crime, Justice incubates crime, Justice grows rich and powerful from feeding on crime, where there is no crime there is no Justice! Now I am not talking about investigating police brutality, a policeman is a criminal by another name, what I am talking about here is the mandating of fewer laws, where laws have to justify themselves over and over again, so that we can be freer as a humanity and a society. Why? I tell you why, because the more laws that there are the less that you have to govern yourself, when you are governed by laws you don’t need to imagine what your limitations are.

Criminals test the barriers and limitations imposed on our humanity, it is they that willingly suffer the outrages perpetrated by the law, and so perhaps we ought hire a few of them to tell us their tales. But more relevant we ought encourage them not so much to attack the humanity at large but to attack the law, to keep it in check and from us, to restraint their ferocity, to give them more serious crimes to fight, so that they live the rest of us alone. You see an under challenged Justice begins to search for meaning and purpose, and that is a dangerous thing. We want real criminals to keep Justice busy so that the rest of us can live our decent lives uncontaminated by legal charges. And it is then that we should and ought and must challenge criminals to be less afraid to challenge the legal structure directly as oppose through crimes against us. An under-challenged Justice is a threat to all of humanity, a Justice system that fights petty crime is a revolting sight, a Justice system that solves petty crimes, a Justice system that is a value added taxing structure, is a danger to our humanity and a danger to our conquering barbarity!