Objectivity An Error In Judgment!
How can I say the following without altering the refinement and occult pursuit of objectivity? Blindfolded. Blindfolded we walk into the trap, if we are more objective they will love us more, if we try to see their profit of view they will better comprehend us, the world will love us more if we learn its vices and learn its knowledge, and love us more if we remain realistic and calm while facing the struggles which life too generously offers us.
Let me tell you something buddy, yes I am talking to you! Objectivity is not you, so why would you want to create something that is not you? Why would you want to give birth to something that is not human for surely you know well that objectivity is inhuman, it is a third nothing, thing! It is an entity that has no heart and lungs, it breathes only when you breath, it touches you only when you touch it, it cares about you only when you care about it. It rises to the epitome of personal insult that you try to be objective, objectivity is personal subtraction.
Objective people can not be trusted, they are nobody, to understand them you need to understand a system; they are not telling you what they feel, they are telling you what they think they know, and they are telling what they think they know is the truth while subtracting their feelings out of the equation, which is strange, absurd and a bit difficult to do. But lovers or objectivity, people that mingle with orthodox pragmatism, tempt you into believing that they are not speaking their mind but rather some global or infinite fact, just the facts, not tainted by their subjective emotions.
Horror in judgement of incredible profundity if they are trying to objectify you, if they are trying to communicate some truth or fact that you do not perceive and must adopt, an error in judgement is objectivity! You are not objective and you will never be objective because you can not get out of yourself; you love yourself too much, you are too proud, you are too dedicated to saving your own ass, and more cause, you are too fragile to be objective, reality might want to kill you, or everyone might want to objectify hoarding your money and your talents. You are too fragile to be objective, I would never want a jury composed of you.
I think of all those patriots that fought the great wars, while objectivity was commanding their generals; if I throw one hundred thousand young energetic beings at those fifty thousand enemy soldiers, with machineguns, dug in deep into their trenches, we can beat them. Reasonable objectivity, emotionally devoid, calculates a ratio of two to one, the odds are on their side. But each bullet kills the non objective being that makes the objective ratio. There have been times, in previous wars of the heart and of the mind when the objective ratio lost. There is hardly any documentation of the matter because we don’t write history based on our failures. We are bloody optimistic; and it may sound lacking of objectification to say this, but truth is, the good guys mostly win, there is no doubt about it.
A side thought occurs to me, but before I speak it why ought you bother to listen to my thoughts? Certainly not just because I have rewritten and refreshed a few hundred stereotypes that will permit humanity and culture to persist in its deceptive path for another millennium. Maybe I ought be more humble than to assume you want to listen to my thoughts, but to be candid with you, there is just not enough humbleness in the world to weigh me down; more relevant there is also a lack of truth in the world, so much deficiency of it in fact, that there is not enough truth effect in the world to droppeth me into reality. So back to my side thought, it occurs to me to ask: If a country is dying what is one life worth? To the country nothing. If a religion is dying what is the life of the son of god worth? Did the crucifixion of Christ mark the decline and rebirth of two sister religions? Jewish and Christian theology mirroring Cain and Able en mass glorification. Who dareth speaketh under the gleaming fanatic faith of an objective religious truth? The personification of god is supremely objective. An objective god that is aware of us all from a first person perspective; and yet Judaism and Christianity teach centralize control. Nothing saves us from freedom better than the promulgation of a higher order by religious faith. Save yourselves chosen few! The devil is the second most important being in the universe. Makes me think. You have been warned!
When you listen to an objective newscast, or to an objective politician, people that presumably see all the angles of the story they are telling you, yet choose to present one particular angle, how do you imagine that they reach such a selective objective judgement criteria? When you listen, you inherently subtract their objectivity and listen to their prejudice. When someone tells you that you can trust them you subtract that high level of objectivity from the equation and gently supplant it with your own. I mean surely you know what to believe.
Of course we all want a politician that can deceive us, deception is what they are campaigning to prove. And even for the more intimate job of being our lover, a position in high demand, we require a substantial degree of deception; the courting dance is hypnotic. That is, we love someone that has the ability to deceive us, except that they may, and we feel that, choose not to deceive us. And if you think that’s terrible ask yourself if you could genuinely love someone that can not deceive you? Of course not, that would not speak well of thee.
Deception is part of the calculation that we take into consideration when someone is delivering objective information, then we are at least incredulous most of the time, and by reason of insanity we accept some of the information that best populates our world. Facts are just the most successful species of opinions. Objectification is the continued proliferation, through use, of successful opinions. An opinionated person is usually someone who is very original with their opinions; you don’t call someone that pushes capitalism a propagandist, and you don’t call someone that pushes Christianity a cult fanatic, not any more. Again successful opinions of the way things are, are hospitable to the way things are.
It is not that the truth has mass appeal, trust me it does not, people hate the truth, and objectivity and truth are each others guardians, you have access to neither, denial of truth is a healthy response induced by your subjective immune system.
The third party neutrality of objectivity is the fundamental error in judgement, you are a feeling creature, everything that you say or do, or imagine is a reaction to an emotional desire or discomfort, which expresses itself in your, pardon me for saying it, your ugly face. When you magnify objectivity what you are accomplishing is the sleeping of your desires, and you are confining your discomforts to the metal rack in bondage. But that aside what is born from within you, the spiritual energies that are representations of your inner desires rise from a fundamental truth which is not objective and which does not care about what you say, it does not care that you live a good life or a bad life, objectivity does not care if you are lying or telling the truth, objectivity is supremely indifferent to your current existence! Don’t be offended by this: To the truth, and by association objectivity, you are a done project! No ice-cream for you but feel free to scream all you want.
Objectivity is diminution, it is a way of telling your audience that it is not your opinion or bias and therefore whatever it is that you are saying ought have a greater chance of being the truth because it has external systematic approbation. This is how the rationalists have sold their subjective idea of an empirical and logical universe. Simply because they agree with each other that that is the way things are. They form academic and exploratory associations and then they ping pong their shared agreements, just for us their captive audience; an audience that can never really comprehend what it is that they are really finding in all those overcomplicated and over theorized experiments, but somehow we are to feel safer because they are working on the truth; and we are sure to benefit from their acquisition of knowledge. Every time they find a new explanation of the universe, they explain to us why their previous explanation was some what right but now wrong, and how this new explanation, which is more right or entirely the truth somehow, could not have been arrived at without their previous wrong-headedness. It is an evolution of knowledge, an evolution sometimes takes the wrong path, but miraculously what prevails in the end tends to be the truth or at least what is right. And so it is that since the beginning of knowledge we have had a lot of objective truth as produced by opinionated and influential individuals. Trust never any objectivity that has to be learnt. Truth I tell you is a subjective opinion that has been approved by committee.
Of course I don’t expect you to believe me until you meet with my collective.
Relativism, can you be against something that is uniquely good for everyone?
Let me tell you something buddy, yes I am talking to you! Objectivity is not you, so why would you want to create something that is not you? Why would you want to give birth to something that is not human for surely you know well that objectivity is inhuman, it is a third nothing, thing! It is an entity that has no heart and lungs, it breathes only when you breath, it touches you only when you touch it, it cares about you only when you care about it. It rises to the epitome of personal insult that you try to be objective, objectivity is personal subtraction.
Objective people can not be trusted, they are nobody, to understand them you need to understand a system; they are not telling you what they feel, they are telling you what they think they know, and they are telling what they think they know is the truth while subtracting their feelings out of the equation, which is strange, absurd and a bit difficult to do. But lovers or objectivity, people that mingle with orthodox pragmatism, tempt you into believing that they are not speaking their mind but rather some global or infinite fact, just the facts, not tainted by their subjective emotions.
Horror in judgement of incredible profundity if they are trying to objectify you, if they are trying to communicate some truth or fact that you do not perceive and must adopt, an error in judgement is objectivity! You are not objective and you will never be objective because you can not get out of yourself; you love yourself too much, you are too proud, you are too dedicated to saving your own ass, and more cause, you are too fragile to be objective, reality might want to kill you, or everyone might want to objectify hoarding your money and your talents. You are too fragile to be objective, I would never want a jury composed of you.
I think of all those patriots that fought the great wars, while objectivity was commanding their generals; if I throw one hundred thousand young energetic beings at those fifty thousand enemy soldiers, with machineguns, dug in deep into their trenches, we can beat them. Reasonable objectivity, emotionally devoid, calculates a ratio of two to one, the odds are on their side. But each bullet kills the non objective being that makes the objective ratio. There have been times, in previous wars of the heart and of the mind when the objective ratio lost. There is hardly any documentation of the matter because we don’t write history based on our failures. We are bloody optimistic; and it may sound lacking of objectification to say this, but truth is, the good guys mostly win, there is no doubt about it.
A side thought occurs to me, but before I speak it why ought you bother to listen to my thoughts? Certainly not just because I have rewritten and refreshed a few hundred stereotypes that will permit humanity and culture to persist in its deceptive path for another millennium. Maybe I ought be more humble than to assume you want to listen to my thoughts, but to be candid with you, there is just not enough humbleness in the world to weigh me down; more relevant there is also a lack of truth in the world, so much deficiency of it in fact, that there is not enough truth effect in the world to droppeth me into reality. So back to my side thought, it occurs to me to ask: If a country is dying what is one life worth? To the country nothing. If a religion is dying what is the life of the son of god worth? Did the crucifixion of Christ mark the decline and rebirth of two sister religions? Jewish and Christian theology mirroring Cain and Able en mass glorification. Who dareth speaketh under the gleaming fanatic faith of an objective religious truth? The personification of god is supremely objective. An objective god that is aware of us all from a first person perspective; and yet Judaism and Christianity teach centralize control. Nothing saves us from freedom better than the promulgation of a higher order by religious faith. Save yourselves chosen few! The devil is the second most important being in the universe. Makes me think. You have been warned!
When you listen to an objective newscast, or to an objective politician, people that presumably see all the angles of the story they are telling you, yet choose to present one particular angle, how do you imagine that they reach such a selective objective judgement criteria? When you listen, you inherently subtract their objectivity and listen to their prejudice. When someone tells you that you can trust them you subtract that high level of objectivity from the equation and gently supplant it with your own. I mean surely you know what to believe.
Of course we all want a politician that can deceive us, deception is what they are campaigning to prove. And even for the more intimate job of being our lover, a position in high demand, we require a substantial degree of deception; the courting dance is hypnotic. That is, we love someone that has the ability to deceive us, except that they may, and we feel that, choose not to deceive us. And if you think that’s terrible ask yourself if you could genuinely love someone that can not deceive you? Of course not, that would not speak well of thee.
Deception is part of the calculation that we take into consideration when someone is delivering objective information, then we are at least incredulous most of the time, and by reason of insanity we accept some of the information that best populates our world. Facts are just the most successful species of opinions. Objectification is the continued proliferation, through use, of successful opinions. An opinionated person is usually someone who is very original with their opinions; you don’t call someone that pushes capitalism a propagandist, and you don’t call someone that pushes Christianity a cult fanatic, not any more. Again successful opinions of the way things are, are hospitable to the way things are.
It is not that the truth has mass appeal, trust me it does not, people hate the truth, and objectivity and truth are each others guardians, you have access to neither, denial of truth is a healthy response induced by your subjective immune system.
The third party neutrality of objectivity is the fundamental error in judgement, you are a feeling creature, everything that you say or do, or imagine is a reaction to an emotional desire or discomfort, which expresses itself in your, pardon me for saying it, your ugly face. When you magnify objectivity what you are accomplishing is the sleeping of your desires, and you are confining your discomforts to the metal rack in bondage. But that aside what is born from within you, the spiritual energies that are representations of your inner desires rise from a fundamental truth which is not objective and which does not care about what you say, it does not care that you live a good life or a bad life, objectivity does not care if you are lying or telling the truth, objectivity is supremely indifferent to your current existence! Don’t be offended by this: To the truth, and by association objectivity, you are a done project! No ice-cream for you but feel free to scream all you want.
Objectivity is diminution, it is a way of telling your audience that it is not your opinion or bias and therefore whatever it is that you are saying ought have a greater chance of being the truth because it has external systematic approbation. This is how the rationalists have sold their subjective idea of an empirical and logical universe. Simply because they agree with each other that that is the way things are. They form academic and exploratory associations and then they ping pong their shared agreements, just for us their captive audience; an audience that can never really comprehend what it is that they are really finding in all those overcomplicated and over theorized experiments, but somehow we are to feel safer because they are working on the truth; and we are sure to benefit from their acquisition of knowledge. Every time they find a new explanation of the universe, they explain to us why their previous explanation was some what right but now wrong, and how this new explanation, which is more right or entirely the truth somehow, could not have been arrived at without their previous wrong-headedness. It is an evolution of knowledge, an evolution sometimes takes the wrong path, but miraculously what prevails in the end tends to be the truth or at least what is right. And so it is that since the beginning of knowledge we have had a lot of objective truth as produced by opinionated and influential individuals. Trust never any objectivity that has to be learnt. Truth I tell you is a subjective opinion that has been approved by committee.
Of course I don’t expect you to believe me until you meet with my collective.
Relativism, can you be against something that is uniquely good for everyone?
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