Trailer Park Weather Convergence
Rumors have now become true that the National Weather Survey Center (NWSC) has been involved in a silent campaign to reduce if not outright eliminate trailer parks across America. Heretics within the agency are breaking with a tradition of secrecy and are anonymously releasing confidential documents that reveal the agencies logic and strategy. As an author always in the forefront of stories which betray conspiratorial elements from government agencies or secret societies, I have received a few insightful classified documents. The clandestinely released documents are clearly critical of Trailers Parks for what appears to be a most unusual reason: Their effect on the national weather. According to these reports trailer parks induce a phenomenon called weather convergence that precipitates the probability of a tornado to dynamic proportions.
The agency is advising mandatory containment of trailer park growth in the mid-west, cautious expansion allowed in the south and permitted growth in, non volatile areas, the west and extreme east. However areas like California which are considered safe heavens are still under some pressure to eliminate their trailer parks. This is because California for instance, though not inherently possessing the weather conditions to instigate tornado’s, can still stir weather parents that will increase the likelihood of such events in other areas.
Chaos which is a theory that weather people use to say that they are important and that everything in the atmosphere is theirs, local impact global consequence, has been used to demonstrate how these trailer parks have induced severe weather changes in Africa and China. The article received by this author ended with the ominous phrase: “If a butterfly can induce incremental weather dominos a trailer park has exponential power.” Some weather analyst at the NWSC have gone as far as to blame Trailer Park Weather Convergence (TPWC) for the temperamental nastiness of El Niño.
For the sake of responsible journalism we should note that no one has suggested that the Pentagon is secretly involved in WW, weather warfare at least in its own backyard. Analyst, however, have described the substantial stealth benefits of unleashing tornadoes instead of atomic bombs; impact is mostly regional, limited collateral damage, no pilot has to fly it there, it is considered a natural product, meaning it does not carry a flag so attacks perpetrated with a tornado have international immunity, and are even immune to treaties. A country could in theory, after tornado attacking an unwanted gas or nuclear facility, even send natural disaster aid to cover its ass. Another less desired benefit would be if terrorist organizations that want to change the world by changing your state of being, if these fanatics were to acquire tornado producing formulas, they would be all but impossible to prosecute, leaving no fingerprints. But again there is no reason to suspect the Pentagon, or based on the southern proclivity of tornadoes tragedies, the republican extreme right.
The scientific process by which Trailer Park Weather Convergence occurs is mentally strenuous to follow but it goes something like this. A trailer park acts like a giant energy concentrator, each trailer home is a cell in this large concentrator, as the sun beams it rays upon them their aggregate numbers magnify the “effect temperature,” oscillating heat waves between trailer homes. This effect temperature causation is called the “Second Sun Condition” because the oscillations make it appear as if you were experiencing a second wave of heat energy; when in fact it is merely the initial heat wave, and in reality diminished because portions of its energy have dissipated into the atmosphere, only this energy decrease is not perceptible because the energy is strangely magnified by the oscillations, so instead of appearing as less intense it appears as more intense which indeed it is.
In normal weather environments, that is where there are no trailer parks or weather forecasters, the Second Sun Condition occurs but has no abnormal effect, although if you listen to a weather forecaster you know that normal weather conditions never materialize hence the reason why forecasters are always surprised by the weather. In fact if we are to believe weather forecasters, in general, abnormal weather conditions are far more common than normal ones. That aside the Second Sun Conditions, SSC, not to be confused with Superconducting Supercolliders, creates what is known as an unstable dynamic weather condition in the plane; the Dynamic Plane Factor, DPF as it is known, is precisely the reason that tornado conditions occur mostly in the mid-west.
The plane factor means that the region is flat and, surprise, weather is affected by geography. Geography dictates that if the area is mountainous fluctuations in wind patterns will be constant, yet the mountains will prevent the build up of a specific weather pattern to disastrous dynamic proportions. Dynamic proportions are those weather conditions that are self sustaining, they accomplish an 80 to 90 percent autonomy rate from their environment. A hurricane is a perfect example of dynamic proportion weather autonomy. A hurricane’s dynamics reach severe independence from the surrounding environment which is why a hurricane, a sea monster, can travel far inland before it dies a good death. Its like God walking on water you have to be fairly self sustainable to do that; the less you are like your surrounding environment the less likely it is that it will touch you. Of course as soon as it goes inland the hurricane begins to use up that 80 to 90 percent independence just to stay alive, and as it uses up energy gathered at sea, it reduces its autonomy from the surrounding environment, becoming more apart of it, and I think you get the picture from there. On a plane the problem is that there are no severe hindrances to developing weather patterns, which is why winds blow so furiously, which lead to severe black wall dust storms, which lead people to learn the meaning of erosion, plant trees or leave the area. In brief, the plane is the ideal environment for dynamic weather parents to build to critical proportions.
But the SSC and the DPF while in their own right are always dangerously poised for catastrophe have not been found to be enough to induce the generation of the weather patter we call a tornado. For there to be a tornado something more fantastic comes into play, this something is called the Trigger Factor or TF. Ironically the third factor is more common than the SSC and the DPF which makes one wonder why of all things the TF is considered the trigger, but as you will see the Third Factor is not so much a trigger but rather an unnatural catalyst that behaves like a trigger.
By the way The Search for the Trigger Factor by Dr. Drovkig, a man who’s genius alone warrants a separate book, is a fascinating book that will be appropriately released before the next tornado season. This book clearly illustrates how good science, meticulously studies theory and applying good old empirical logic, discovers things like the Top Quark or in this well documented case the Trigger Factor. I was fortunate to receive a pre-publication copy of the book and this is some what how TF works its evil ways.
If you have ever seen one of those obnoxious commercials where they are selling Campers you have witnessed a nesting hole for Trigger Factors. As it turns out RV’s those campers moving retired folks across the plane, are the trigger mechanism that induce Dynamic Plain Factor and Second Sun Conditions to become Trailer Park Weather Convergence, or tornado season in hell. As these campers move through the plane they act like a loose supercell, having they, the same properties endemic to a trailer park home, only they are foundation autonomous, they can go anywhere and scare you, and get in your way, when these campers are in proximity to a trailer park they induce a primal second wave. Primal because it is not concentrated, its singular point of origin is the camper, and in fact it is not even a second wave, it is always a first wave because the camper is a moving supercell reflecting the sun from different angles constantly generating a new wave condition. This primal wave, as it is moving becomes a constant that is not, and can not be saved by accident, highly synchronized with the Second Sun Condition or with the previous primal wave, and obviously in dissidence with the Dynamic Plain Factor at the supercell agglomeration we call a trailer park; this severe lack of synchronization induces an exponential critical temperature differential, unleashing a violent collision with warm moist air that is contained within cold air, and this forces the wind to dynamically curl unto itself, implode spiraling contractions. It’s like being electrified twice many times when once is already too much; and that in-turn induces the dynamic weather convergence know as a tornado which invariably and correctly occurs in proximity to trailer parks.
Some scientist have also proposed that the momentum is also instigated by electromagnetic properties that are induced by microwaves and just general electrical emissions that find nesting holes in trailer parks, with higher energy concentrations derived by the not so Recreational Vehicles, this of course is far fetched and for now very wrong!
So as you watch those RVs, TFs, moving across the plain think of them as a bath of elusive neutrinos that for the most part fail to hit their mark but on occasion their abundance secures impact radiating waves with air mass that successfully triggers SSC and DPF. All this being correct the ever increasing number of retirees across America will undoubtedly lead to an increase in Trailer Park Weather Convergence, tornadoes.
If some of these incredulous statements are true I am of the opinion that they warrant action but I certainly do not believe that a government agency like NWSC should hold these issues from public debate nor engage in a private campaign that will eliminate affordable housing and affordable equity building for the lower classes. Many families use trailer homes as a way to step up the logical ladder of housing: first a trailer, a condo, a duplex, a home, and then the cemetery. This is certainly a benefit to society and to the economy. Others use it as a way to make their retirement pensions last till death which ironically maybe expedited by the savings in housing cost. We may then want to debate the benefits of housing for the needy poor or elderly vs. the detriments forced upon them by the tornadoes cause by affordable trailer parks, which are destroyed by rich folks that can afford to drive around in campers with bathtubs.
There is however substantial circumstantial evidence that the move to abolish trailer home parks was induced by a group of wine and cheese snobs that listen to public radio, that are mentally disturbed by the harshness and severe aesthetic denial of trailer parks. It may in fact be that trailer parks are such unnatural beast that even nature seeks their obliteration. In this particular situation I am of the opinion that regardless of what effect they may have on people, the weather or the economy, trailer parks have a detrimental effect on the beauty of our country and not enough clandestine or overt action can be taken to prevent them from spreading.
The agency is advising mandatory containment of trailer park growth in the mid-west, cautious expansion allowed in the south and permitted growth in, non volatile areas, the west and extreme east. However areas like California which are considered safe heavens are still under some pressure to eliminate their trailer parks. This is because California for instance, though not inherently possessing the weather conditions to instigate tornado’s, can still stir weather parents that will increase the likelihood of such events in other areas.
Chaos which is a theory that weather people use to say that they are important and that everything in the atmosphere is theirs, local impact global consequence, has been used to demonstrate how these trailer parks have induced severe weather changes in Africa and China. The article received by this author ended with the ominous phrase: “If a butterfly can induce incremental weather dominos a trailer park has exponential power.” Some weather analyst at the NWSC have gone as far as to blame Trailer Park Weather Convergence (TPWC) for the temperamental nastiness of El Niño.
For the sake of responsible journalism we should note that no one has suggested that the Pentagon is secretly involved in WW, weather warfare at least in its own backyard. Analyst, however, have described the substantial stealth benefits of unleashing tornadoes instead of atomic bombs; impact is mostly regional, limited collateral damage, no pilot has to fly it there, it is considered a natural product, meaning it does not carry a flag so attacks perpetrated with a tornado have international immunity, and are even immune to treaties. A country could in theory, after tornado attacking an unwanted gas or nuclear facility, even send natural disaster aid to cover its ass. Another less desired benefit would be if terrorist organizations that want to change the world by changing your state of being, if these fanatics were to acquire tornado producing formulas, they would be all but impossible to prosecute, leaving no fingerprints. But again there is no reason to suspect the Pentagon, or based on the southern proclivity of tornadoes tragedies, the republican extreme right.
The scientific process by which Trailer Park Weather Convergence occurs is mentally strenuous to follow but it goes something like this. A trailer park acts like a giant energy concentrator, each trailer home is a cell in this large concentrator, as the sun beams it rays upon them their aggregate numbers magnify the “effect temperature,” oscillating heat waves between trailer homes. This effect temperature causation is called the “Second Sun Condition” because the oscillations make it appear as if you were experiencing a second wave of heat energy; when in fact it is merely the initial heat wave, and in reality diminished because portions of its energy have dissipated into the atmosphere, only this energy decrease is not perceptible because the energy is strangely magnified by the oscillations, so instead of appearing as less intense it appears as more intense which indeed it is.
In normal weather environments, that is where there are no trailer parks or weather forecasters, the Second Sun Condition occurs but has no abnormal effect, although if you listen to a weather forecaster you know that normal weather conditions never materialize hence the reason why forecasters are always surprised by the weather. In fact if we are to believe weather forecasters, in general, abnormal weather conditions are far more common than normal ones. That aside the Second Sun Conditions, SSC, not to be confused with Superconducting Supercolliders, creates what is known as an unstable dynamic weather condition in the plane; the Dynamic Plane Factor, DPF as it is known, is precisely the reason that tornado conditions occur mostly in the mid-west.
The plane factor means that the region is flat and, surprise, weather is affected by geography. Geography dictates that if the area is mountainous fluctuations in wind patterns will be constant, yet the mountains will prevent the build up of a specific weather pattern to disastrous dynamic proportions. Dynamic proportions are those weather conditions that are self sustaining, they accomplish an 80 to 90 percent autonomy rate from their environment. A hurricane is a perfect example of dynamic proportion weather autonomy. A hurricane’s dynamics reach severe independence from the surrounding environment which is why a hurricane, a sea monster, can travel far inland before it dies a good death. Its like God walking on water you have to be fairly self sustainable to do that; the less you are like your surrounding environment the less likely it is that it will touch you. Of course as soon as it goes inland the hurricane begins to use up that 80 to 90 percent independence just to stay alive, and as it uses up energy gathered at sea, it reduces its autonomy from the surrounding environment, becoming more apart of it, and I think you get the picture from there. On a plane the problem is that there are no severe hindrances to developing weather patterns, which is why winds blow so furiously, which lead to severe black wall dust storms, which lead people to learn the meaning of erosion, plant trees or leave the area. In brief, the plane is the ideal environment for dynamic weather parents to build to critical proportions.
But the SSC and the DPF while in their own right are always dangerously poised for catastrophe have not been found to be enough to induce the generation of the weather patter we call a tornado. For there to be a tornado something more fantastic comes into play, this something is called the Trigger Factor or TF. Ironically the third factor is more common than the SSC and the DPF which makes one wonder why of all things the TF is considered the trigger, but as you will see the Third Factor is not so much a trigger but rather an unnatural catalyst that behaves like a trigger.
By the way The Search for the Trigger Factor by Dr. Drovkig, a man who’s genius alone warrants a separate book, is a fascinating book that will be appropriately released before the next tornado season. This book clearly illustrates how good science, meticulously studies theory and applying good old empirical logic, discovers things like the Top Quark or in this well documented case the Trigger Factor. I was fortunate to receive a pre-publication copy of the book and this is some what how TF works its evil ways.
If you have ever seen one of those obnoxious commercials where they are selling Campers you have witnessed a nesting hole for Trigger Factors. As it turns out RV’s those campers moving retired folks across the plane, are the trigger mechanism that induce Dynamic Plain Factor and Second Sun Conditions to become Trailer Park Weather Convergence, or tornado season in hell. As these campers move through the plane they act like a loose supercell, having they, the same properties endemic to a trailer park home, only they are foundation autonomous, they can go anywhere and scare you, and get in your way, when these campers are in proximity to a trailer park they induce a primal second wave. Primal because it is not concentrated, its singular point of origin is the camper, and in fact it is not even a second wave, it is always a first wave because the camper is a moving supercell reflecting the sun from different angles constantly generating a new wave condition. This primal wave, as it is moving becomes a constant that is not, and can not be saved by accident, highly synchronized with the Second Sun Condition or with the previous primal wave, and obviously in dissidence with the Dynamic Plain Factor at the supercell agglomeration we call a trailer park; this severe lack of synchronization induces an exponential critical temperature differential, unleashing a violent collision with warm moist air that is contained within cold air, and this forces the wind to dynamically curl unto itself, implode spiraling contractions. It’s like being electrified twice many times when once is already too much; and that in-turn induces the dynamic weather convergence know as a tornado which invariably and correctly occurs in proximity to trailer parks.
Some scientist have also proposed that the momentum is also instigated by electromagnetic properties that are induced by microwaves and just general electrical emissions that find nesting holes in trailer parks, with higher energy concentrations derived by the not so Recreational Vehicles, this of course is far fetched and for now very wrong!
So as you watch those RVs, TFs, moving across the plain think of them as a bath of elusive neutrinos that for the most part fail to hit their mark but on occasion their abundance secures impact radiating waves with air mass that successfully triggers SSC and DPF. All this being correct the ever increasing number of retirees across America will undoubtedly lead to an increase in Trailer Park Weather Convergence, tornadoes.
If some of these incredulous statements are true I am of the opinion that they warrant action but I certainly do not believe that a government agency like NWSC should hold these issues from public debate nor engage in a private campaign that will eliminate affordable housing and affordable equity building for the lower classes. Many families use trailer homes as a way to step up the logical ladder of housing: first a trailer, a condo, a duplex, a home, and then the cemetery. This is certainly a benefit to society and to the economy. Others use it as a way to make their retirement pensions last till death which ironically maybe expedited by the savings in housing cost. We may then want to debate the benefits of housing for the needy poor or elderly vs. the detriments forced upon them by the tornadoes cause by affordable trailer parks, which are destroyed by rich folks that can afford to drive around in campers with bathtubs.
There is however substantial circumstantial evidence that the move to abolish trailer home parks was induced by a group of wine and cheese snobs that listen to public radio, that are mentally disturbed by the harshness and severe aesthetic denial of trailer parks. It may in fact be that trailer parks are such unnatural beast that even nature seeks their obliteration. In this particular situation I am of the opinion that regardless of what effect they may have on people, the weather or the economy, trailer parks have a detrimental effect on the beauty of our country and not enough clandestine or overt action can be taken to prevent them from spreading.
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