Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Perishing Eternities

If you believe that everything is temporary you are murdering infinity.

Your mortality attacks me. I feel that you must die and that I will die with you. All of our ancestors are death convictions. Believing death alive murders an eternity. We are chained to our finality.

Don’t hold hands, succumb to your immortality, arrest the tormentor, deprive the finality, marry your infinity. We are down to the last meter of existence, last meter of existence, birds scare children.

I believe in incredulous things, I harbor within the impossibility, I have seen that you can triple your salvation by avoiding terrestrial pedestrian momentary sterility. Tomorrow is a dreaming vision, the infinity is not economic, the infinity is irrational and exorbitant beyond estimate, don’t ask the infinity to be sensible, extract the wrinkles off your face through elasticity, get hardware heart; purge yourself whole with artificial blood, plan the dreams of tomorrow yielding merely to your immediacy, if you are prepared for the future you are dead. DEAD! Triply dead upon the topology of the infinity. There is no tomorrow for the infinity. Measure your existence and you have found your limitations.

If the universe had done the mathematics it would have never brought itself into existence, wow! Trigonometry how many suns geometry? Thermodynamics where am I going to get all that helium and hydrogen? Fission, fusion, thermonuclear all that sustainable? The universe would a walked away from itself just with one thought, black-holes will eventually eat everything, in the final analysis the universe is not a sustainable long term proposition, universe does not have to plan for retirement. At what rate do I have to produce supernovas? The equations that bring a universe into existence don’t exist, don’t need to exist, and even if they did, they would not bring the universe into order. It is possible to imagine equations, that is the problem.

My friend Rosa once told me: “Don’t tell us what we are doing wrong just give us the solution.” Rosa always thinks that I am to critical, a nuclear reaction is critical, but she never measures my criticality vis-a-vis to the criticality of a chained reaction. Chained reaction does not mean restraint. Regardless I am not just being critical I am giving you the solution.

Cease searching for yourself, you keep on doing that and you are going to die a lonely and perishable death. The universe decays alienation, alienation decays automatically. Wild beasts do not devour rotting corpses, the only way that you can live forever is if you can fool the beast of desire to desire you as prey. Oh to be desired by the appetites of the universe and yet escape. Recognition, association inseparable similarity. Increasing your life expectancy magnifies your mortality.

I don’t know that you exist.