You Love Fat
Fat is the excess of life, it is also what tells us that we will live longer for fat is the biological battery of existence, without it, we would have to eat like birds. Mexicans love fat people, husky, women with big butts and big torsos and big thighs, and big bodies, and beans and rice; there is just something about many Mexican women that tells you that they could work the fields and wash clothes and gestate babies while harvesting a crop, and not be in a beauty contests. Mexican men intuitively know that a beauty queen will not make a good tortilla nor good farm labor, an ugly woman is less likely to cheat, even by choice; now a woman with a big ass, there is some fine woman indeed.
Sumo wrestlers present a serious problem for Japan, Japanese are the fat Orientals, fat and Orientals are politically incorrect, but by Orientals standards that is still not really fat. Don’t ask me why but it is a lot easier to find a fat Japanese than it is to find a fat Chinese or Filipino. You will take notice that without the fat, a race seems to stay younger looking longer; it is almost impossible to discern the aging process in Asians, age is very kind to Asian women, and less interesting, to Asian men as well. But sumo wrestlers seem odd, it is absolutely a worship of fat, the temple of fat, the muscled calories, moving and sating like a giant earth attempting to keep orbit against another equally massive planet, generating gravity waves to circular victory.
Americans love and adore fat, they will never admit it, no that would be taboo, their fact filled scientific community has assured them that fat is a bad thing, that it gives you heart disease, high blood pleasure, and no pleasure. Fat people are less appealing though by the laws of relativity that seems to be a contradiction. And in a world of more and more fat it is more likely to be hypocritically loved. Fat is loved! People love fat, subconsciously, secretly, it is a sign of plenty, of more than enough, of stored prosperity, it is a sign of lack of want, chocolate is loved because of its caloric exorbitance, meats, ice creams, pies, all loved because of their caloric insanity. We homed in on cows and pigs because they looked fat. I am here to tell the pigs and the cows that they don’t have to worry about extinction, as long as they keep that fat for us to gloat.
Can we really say we like fat when the rational world is telling us that fat is a bad thing? So we create the most abominable contradiction imaginable, more than plenty is good, but if it is a bad thing then it must be obtained by process of denial. We will eat more but say that we are attempting to eat less. Most restaurants in America or any other continent are fat metropolises, most cooks in America or any other continent are experts on pouring lard.
Frozen dinners are preserved fat. At the movies, popcorn, candy and soda, fat inspirations; at the football games hot dogs and beer, fat stimulants; at the bar, happy hour, chicken wings and popcorn, and fries and nachos; at work there is the snack machine with sweets and potato chips and pop corn; and the real favorite pasts time is eating, eating everything and everywhere; even socializing with despicable people is made tolerable by dinners, when dining out the food is the center of attention, makes lots of people tolerable and tolerant. Anywhere you turn in America there is food fat farms, Ms Piggy frequents McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell, and Dominos Pizza Hut, and Denny’s and 31 flavors of ice cream, all fat farms. While to be fair to the Rational Institute there are an equal number, if not actually a greater number, of dieting farms, working out gyms, pills that kill calories, food that starve themselves of every ingredient, except artificial colors, all armies designed to counter the effects of fat and fact. As long as you are fighting your fat you have not lost… surgeons liposuction money out of fat.
Humans might not admit it, but regardless of what the logicians tell us, fat is adored and worshipped, and the human psychology has no shame in countering the statistics with wanton abandonment to the swine and the spirits. We are not winning the war on fat, because we are not at war with fat, we are at war with skinny! We are endemically afraid of malnutrition, we fear to stare our cadaver! Flesh and more flesh hides our cadavers, AIDS fear rises our desire to be fatter if only to prove our health; yes the more flesh, the less cadaver like, the less dead; and the greater our prosperity the more flesh, a disregard for appearances, is a pure sign of prosperity, the fatter I am the more likely it is that I don’t care what society thinks, autonomy, or call it thick skinned. Women find husky men more attractive, football players are fat, boxers fat, successful businessmen, lawyers, politicians, fat lard all of them!
The more wealthy and powerful a country is, the more girth, the more fat its people are, in the future we will all be blubber queens, self sufficient agglomerations of lard, where others will be able to feast among us with no danger to ourselves. Eat a leg, it an arm, why not go ahead, hell we will replenish, fat regenerates with ease, don’t worry I am on a heavy stem cell diet; God is density bloated.
Sumo wrestlers present a serious problem for Japan, Japanese are the fat Orientals, fat and Orientals are politically incorrect, but by Orientals standards that is still not really fat. Don’t ask me why but it is a lot easier to find a fat Japanese than it is to find a fat Chinese or Filipino. You will take notice that without the fat, a race seems to stay younger looking longer; it is almost impossible to discern the aging process in Asians, age is very kind to Asian women, and less interesting, to Asian men as well. But sumo wrestlers seem odd, it is absolutely a worship of fat, the temple of fat, the muscled calories, moving and sating like a giant earth attempting to keep orbit against another equally massive planet, generating gravity waves to circular victory.
Americans love and adore fat, they will never admit it, no that would be taboo, their fact filled scientific community has assured them that fat is a bad thing, that it gives you heart disease, high blood pleasure, and no pleasure. Fat people are less appealing though by the laws of relativity that seems to be a contradiction. And in a world of more and more fat it is more likely to be hypocritically loved. Fat is loved! People love fat, subconsciously, secretly, it is a sign of plenty, of more than enough, of stored prosperity, it is a sign of lack of want, chocolate is loved because of its caloric exorbitance, meats, ice creams, pies, all loved because of their caloric insanity. We homed in on cows and pigs because they looked fat. I am here to tell the pigs and the cows that they don’t have to worry about extinction, as long as they keep that fat for us to gloat.
Can we really say we like fat when the rational world is telling us that fat is a bad thing? So we create the most abominable contradiction imaginable, more than plenty is good, but if it is a bad thing then it must be obtained by process of denial. We will eat more but say that we are attempting to eat less. Most restaurants in America or any other continent are fat metropolises, most cooks in America or any other continent are experts on pouring lard.
Frozen dinners are preserved fat. At the movies, popcorn, candy and soda, fat inspirations; at the football games hot dogs and beer, fat stimulants; at the bar, happy hour, chicken wings and popcorn, and fries and nachos; at work there is the snack machine with sweets and potato chips and pop corn; and the real favorite pasts time is eating, eating everything and everywhere; even socializing with despicable people is made tolerable by dinners, when dining out the food is the center of attention, makes lots of people tolerable and tolerant. Anywhere you turn in America there is food fat farms, Ms Piggy frequents McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell, and Dominos Pizza Hut, and Denny’s and 31 flavors of ice cream, all fat farms. While to be fair to the Rational Institute there are an equal number, if not actually a greater number, of dieting farms, working out gyms, pills that kill calories, food that starve themselves of every ingredient, except artificial colors, all armies designed to counter the effects of fat and fact. As long as you are fighting your fat you have not lost… surgeons liposuction money out of fat.
Humans might not admit it, but regardless of what the logicians tell us, fat is adored and worshipped, and the human psychology has no shame in countering the statistics with wanton abandonment to the swine and the spirits. We are not winning the war on fat, because we are not at war with fat, we are at war with skinny! We are endemically afraid of malnutrition, we fear to stare our cadaver! Flesh and more flesh hides our cadavers, AIDS fear rises our desire to be fatter if only to prove our health; yes the more flesh, the less cadaver like, the less dead; and the greater our prosperity the more flesh, a disregard for appearances, is a pure sign of prosperity, the fatter I am the more likely it is that I don’t care what society thinks, autonomy, or call it thick skinned. Women find husky men more attractive, football players are fat, boxers fat, successful businessmen, lawyers, politicians, fat lard all of them!
The more wealthy and powerful a country is, the more girth, the more fat its people are, in the future we will all be blubber queens, self sufficient agglomerations of lard, where others will be able to feast among us with no danger to ourselves. Eat a leg, it an arm, why not go ahead, hell we will replenish, fat regenerates with ease, don’t worry I am on a heavy stem cell diet; God is density bloated.
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